Swatch Faces 2022: Xue Fei

Xue Fei is a painter and visual artist with a particular interest in ancient Chinese myths. She uses composite materials with rich, unique textures in her works, such as stone, tile, and sand, transforming these organic substances into painting materials. Fusing together dreams, legends and memories from her childhood, Xue Fei leads the audience into a cosmic view of animism and portrays the countless creatures in this universe from a macroscopic perspective. Through synesthesia, she transforms her perception and sensory awareness of the outside world into living entities in different shapes and forms and endows them with motions. The series ‘Dream Mountain’ draws its inspiration from a folk myth, the Nine Immortals. It is said that once you enter the cave and go to sleep, the cave master will be able to predict the future based on your dreams. The story reminded Xue Fei of her constant observations and recordings of dreams. The unprocessed images emerge from the collective unconscious, and then are connected by a sense of consciousness, building a structure of awareness that originates in reality and then breaks away from it.

Xue Fei, China
Xue Fei, China
Xue Fei, China
Xue Fei, China

About the artist

Painter and visual artist Xue Fei was born in 1993 in Chongqing, China. Drawing inspiration from ancient Chinese myths, she uses composite materials with rich, unique textures in her work, such as stone, tile, and sand, transforming these organic substances into painting materials. By fusing together dreams, legends and memories from her childhood and injecting her narrative scenes with a sense of everyday emotion, she takes the audience on a journey along with the unique figures she creates.

Xue Fei, China
Xue Fei, China
Xue Fei, China
Xue Fei, China
Xue Fei, China